Things took a turn for the serious this week, even on Comedy Central: South Park accused Disney of using the Jonas Brothers to sell sex to young girls. Jon Stewart blamed CNBC for contributing to the country's financial woes. Good thing 30 Rock unveiled the Funcooker — we've been starving for good times.
Countless characters disappear to unseen car accidents or trips to college, so props to Friday Night Lights for giving paraplegic former Panther quarterback Jason Street a touching and realistic exit from the series. Even tough-guy Riggins can't keep the tears out of his eyes as Jason tells Erin he's secured a job as a junior sports agent and is ready to provide for her and their son Noah. Touchdown.
Kenny and his new girlfriend begin wearing purity rings after attending a Jonas Brothers show — and soon find themselves hanging out with other sexless couples, discussing Grey's Anatomy. "A ring that says you'll be together but not have sex,"one confused character says. "Isn't that called a wedding ring?"
30 Rock's conclusion includes: Dr. Spaceman trying to force a bear-costumed Jenna's head onto the coffee table so she'll sleep, because if she doesn't, she'll die from her addiction to military-strength amphetamine; a cut to Tracy Jordan's commercial, where he displays his Funcooker; and Liz almost burning the place down. Why does this qualify as a "moment"?Because it all happens in a matter of seconds.
Skipping any "remember the good old days?" moments, George Clooney and Julianna Margulies make a low-key return to ER to convince a grieving woman (guest star Susan Sarandon) to donate her brain-dead grandson's organs.
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